This week's setback: For a few weeks I was corresponding with a lady moving to Italy who was interested in a couple of my larger pieces. We agreed to two pieces, price and payment method. I waited a few weeks to receive her tracking # for the money order which never came. I followed up but there was no response. It was difficult not going into a place of self doubt and questioning. Did she just change her mind and didn't have the courtesy to let me know? Did something happen? Or, was it too good to be true and the whole thing was a scam. In the latter case, should I just be thankful I was careful and nothing bad came of it? May never know... the solution to the questioning - forget about it and keep working. Easier said that done some days.
Last week I started thinking about and sketching out two new paintings. The first one is a 30"x36" of a deer that makes herself at home in my garden and under the trampoline. May as well make something good out of that garden wrecker. I have just begun the painting process and find myself unmotivated to tackle it right now. May be the underlying hostility toward that 'outwardly' adorable creature is affecting the flow.
I also decided to do a small, detailed 8"x8" close-up of a peacock feather. The idea came from a visit to the BC Wildlife Park (in Kamloops) on the way home from a family excursion to Drumheller last year. This one particular male peacock not only strutted and displayed for the females, he was happy to show off for anyone willing to pay him attention. It provided many photo ops and I was taken in by the vibrant colours and tiny details on each and every feather. Quite a challenge.
Perhaps it is a good thing that I don't think about what is involved or how challenging a specific subject matter might be to paint. If I did, I might never challenge myself and miss out on opportunities for growth. 'What was I thinking' usually occurs to me when I am fully committed to the piece and I HATE not finishing things. Hope it carries me through this one.
Thought this morning: The creative activity should be motivated by the sheer delight of creating (and not solely based on the outcome). Paint on...
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